The Spiritual Mother of All of Us: Sunday, October 25, 2015

J.M.J. The Most Reverend Jaime Fuentes, the Bishop of Minas (Uruguay), proposed during the Synod on the Family that concluded yesterday that the Holy Father begin a consultation about the advisability of declaring as a Dogma the Doctrine of the Spiritual Maternity of Our Lady.

Bishop Fuentes said in part during his Intervention:

"Pope Francis wrote, 'every time we look upon Mary, we once again believe in the revolutionary aspect of tenderness and caring'. She 'is the Mother of the evangelizing Church; (…) and without her we will never fully comprehend the spirit of the New Evangelization' (Enc. Evangelii gaudium, ns. 288 and 284).

"During the memorable Marian Year from 1987-1988, St. John Paul II foresaw a task which, given the current context, acquires a singular importance: the Church should prepare (…) boldly facing the future, the ways of cooperating with Mary (cf. Enc. Redemptoris Mater, n. 49). To put it a different way: in the mind of the Holy Pontiff, the Church would have to discover how to 'make it easy' for the Virgin to exercise her Maternity, which in her Immaculate Heart reaches all women and men on earth.

"In this way, the Catechism of the Catholic Church picks up a splendid possibility: 'the dogmas--as it reads in number 89--are lights along the path of faith; they illuminate it, and make it secure'. Venturing into the 'New Evangelization' and thinking in the 'ways' in which the Blessed Mother’s maternal love can effectively reach her daughters and sons, without exclusion wherever they may be, we should ask ourselves: 'Wouldn’t the surest way be iter para tutum! ("Make a safe way for us")--the solemn and definitive proclamation of the dogma of her spiritual Maternity, a joyous reality, believed, experienced and loved by the Christian people? And wouldn't this act also be the great momentum of holiness and apostolic purpose needed by the Church?'

"The answer to this double question should be given by the entire Church body. This was clearly taught by Blessed Cardinal John Henry Newman: 'the body of the faithful', he wrote, 'is one of the witnesses of the traditional nature of revealed doctrine, and (…) said consensus throughout Christianity, is the voice of the Infallible Church'. He taught that, in preparing for a dogmatic definition, 'the laity had their testimony to offer; but if there is ever a case where the laity should be consulted, it is in regards to doctrines concerning directly on the devotional. (…) The faithful have a special function in regards to those doctrinal truths related to culture (…) and the Blessed Virgin is the preeminent object of devotion' (J.H. Newman, The Faithful and Tradition [Los Fieles y la TradiciĆ³n], Buenos Aires, pp. 63 and 110).

"To sum up, for these theological reasons, from which we can obtain very rich consequences of a pastoral nature, and considering the teaching of Pope Francis, that the 'sensus fidei' of the holy people of God, in its unity is never mistaken (Homily, January 1, 2014), I want to propose to the Holy Father to bring about a consultation directed to the entire Church, Pastors and faithful, regarding the prudence of defining as a truth of the faith, the doctrine of the Spiritual Maternity of Mary Most Holy. Thank you very much."

Please see the following, courtesy of "Rome Reports."

Let us thank and continue to plead with Almighty God through Our Lady of Guadalupe for the continuing preservation of Mexico from the frightful Hurricane Patricia.

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