Our Blessed Lady and Saint Teresa of Avila: Thursday, October 15, 2015

J.M.J. "St. Teresa's whole Marian experience is found scattered throughout her writings, from which we can put together a lovely mosaic of Mary. ( . . . . ) From the first page of Teresa's writings the Virgin Mary appears among the most important memories of her childhood. She recalls the devotion taught her by her mother Beatriz, which found expression in the recitation of the Rosary. The episode of her prayer to Our Lady after the loss of her mother at the age of 13 is very moving: 'in my affliction I went to an image of our Lady and begged her with many tears to be a mother to me. It seems to me that though I did this in simplicity, it has been of much help to me; for I know that I have always found favor with this sovereign Lady when I have commended myself to her and in the end, she has drawn me to herself.' Teresa then attributes to the Virgin the grace of a constant protection and in a special way the grace of her conversion: 'She has drawn me to herself.' Other texts from the autobiography reveal to us the permanence of the devotion to Mary: when she turns to the Virgin in her sufferings, when she remembers her feasts of the Assumption and the Immaculate Conception or the Holy Family or her devotion to the Rosary. 

--Helen Carlin, O.C.D.S., "Saint Teresa of Jesus and the Virgin Mary."

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