Friday within the Octave of Easter, April 10, 2015

J.M.J. "Easter is the feast of the new creation. Jesus is risen and dies no more. He has opened the door to a new life, one that no longer knows illness and death. He has taken mankind up into God Himself. 'Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God', as Saint Paul says in the First Letter to the Corinthians (15:50). On the subject of Christ’s resurrection and our resurrection, the Church writer Tertullian in the third century was bold enough to write: 'Rest assured, flesh and blood, through Christ you have gained your place in heaven and in the Kingdom of God' (CCL II, 994). A new dimension has opened up for mankind. Creation has become greater and broader."

Pope Benedict XVI, Homily during the Easter Virgil, Holy Saturday, April 7, 2012

Mary, The First Witness of Our Risen Lord, pray for us.

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