Sunday, May 3, 2015: The Most Blessed Sacrament, Our Lady's Treasure

J.M.J. Every Sunday during the Easter Season provides to us an opportunity to reflect again on the significance of the Most Blessed Sacrament.

Over the years, I have found that the Code of Canon Law has incredibly rich definitions of various Truths that explain so much in a few words.

Such is the case with the mystery of the Most Holy Eucharist.

Canon 897 The most August sacrament is the Most Holy Eucharist in Which Christ the Lord Himself is contained, offered, and received and by Which the Church continually lives and grows. The Eucharistic Sacrifice, the Memorial of the Death and Resurrection of the Lord, in which the Sacrifice of the Cross is perpetuated through the ages is the summit and source of all worship and Christian life, Which signifies and effects the unity of the People of God and brings about the building up of the Body of Christ. Indeed, the other Sacraments and all the ecclesiastical works of the apostolate are closely connected with the Most Holy Eucharist and ordered to It.

Canon 898 The Christian Faithful are to hold the Most Holy Eucharist in highest honor, taking an active part in the celebration of the most august Sacrifice, receiving this Sacrament most devoutly and frequently, and worshiping It with the highest adoration. In explaining the doctrine about this Sacrament, Pastors of souls are to teach the Faithful diligently about this obligation.

Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament, pray for us.

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