Lead Us, O Mary, to Jesus Our Lord: Saint Paul of the Cross, Tuesday, October 20, 2020



Dear Friends in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary

In today's Holy Gospel, Jesus said, "You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. The whole law and the prophets depend on these two commandments." 

The Master Teacher sums up the Ten Commandments in these two. O Lord Jesus Christ, give to us Your Grace to love as You love.

*May the Soul of Timothy Johnson, who was buried in Saint Mary of Mercy Cemetery this week, rest in peace.  

*Let us pray for +Edward Ford, +Joe Morgan, Judy Waldera, Teresa Louise, Kathy Engerbrecht, Diane Moen, Sue Bullard, Father Dana Christensen, Father Charles Duman and Father Joe Forcelle.

*Congratulations to Navy Grace, the daughter of Kenny and Lacey Weber, who will be baptized today.

*The Confessions of the C.R.E. students are being heard during the Wednesday classes.

*Such happy news: Venerable Michael Joseph McGivney (1852-1890), the Founder of the Knights of Columbus, will be beatified on Saturday, October 31st in the Cathedral of Saint Joseph in Hartford, Connecticut. We are pleased to have the Knights of Columbus in our Parishes. We thank You, O Lord!


“What is Your Question?”

By Father Ben Miriam


Q. What is the meaning of the washing of the hands by the priest during the Offertory Prayers at Mass? 

A. The washing of the hands, which is called the Lavabo, dates from the fourth century. It is a rite that calls to mind spiritual purification from sin. The priest says: "Wash me, O Lord, from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin." The priest wishes, with God's Grace, to be purified before he speaks those most sacred Words: "This is My Body . . . This is the Chalice of My Blood." 






Wednesday, October 28th

The Recitation of the Most Holy Rosary at 6:30 p.m., Fatima Family Shrine



Sunday, November 1st:

9:15 a.m. Confessions, Saint Stephen Church, Bridgewater


1:30 p.m. The Procession of the Most Blessed Sacrament and the Recitation of the Most Holy Rosary, Fatima Family Shrine, Alexandria


3:15 p.m.--Monastery, as usual 

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