Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament, Please Intercede for Us and for the Victims of 9/11: Friday, September 11, 2020



From The Catechist, by the Very Rev. Canon Howe, Imprimatur: Edm. Canonicus Surmount, Jan 26, 1922

     Rudolph, Count of Hapsburg, one day following the chase in the mountains in Switzerland, perceived a poor priest who was much embarrassed to cross a stream swollen by rain; he had to cross it to bring the Holy Viaticum to a sick person. Immediately the noble count alights from his horse, makes the priest mount him, and follows himself on foot with much recollection. The priest afterwards wanted to give back his horse to the Prince, but the latter answered: “I do not deem myself worthy of ever again mounting a horse which has had the honor of bearing the Lord of lords; it is from Him that I hold in fief all I possess.” And so saying, he left his beautiful courser at the service of the poor priest and his Church. The report of this so edifying event was soon noised abroad through the valleys of Switzerland, and thence into the provinces of the German Empire; it everywhere caused a pious joy to all the people, great and small.

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