Thank You, Mary, for Guiding Us: Thursday, June 4, 2020


Lenten Parish Mission for Saint Lawrence Parish
in Milbank, South Dakota
Monday, February 15—
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
during The Holy Year of Mercy


     Why a Parish Mission? A Parish Mission affords us additional time to gather in prayer, receive the Sacraments, learn about our Catholic Faith and support one another.

How does a Parish Mission benefit our Parish? One parishioner prays for all “the rest,” and “the rest” pray for the one parishioner! Prayer for all!

Why during Lent? Lent is the penitential Season of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Our Crucified Jesus wants our love and commitment to follow Him.

Who may attend? Anyone and everyone, including non-Catholics.

What if I cannot attend the entire Parish Mission? Please come whenever you can.

What is the schedule for our Parish Mission? Please consult the Sunday Parish Bulletin.

What is “The Holy Year of Mercy” or sometimes called “The Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy?” Of all the things that Pope Francis has said and done during his still brief Pontificate, his insistence that we extend mercy to others as God has shown mercy to us remains front and center.

The Holy Father announced for the Universal Church the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy that began on Tuesday, December 8, 2015—the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception—and extends through Sunday, November 20, 2016—the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe.

Pope Francis wrote that he wishes “that the Jubilee be a living experience of the closeness of the Father, whose tenderness is almost tangible, so that the faith of every believer may be strengthened and thus testimony to it be ever more effective.”

This Holy Year of Mercy has as its special focus the words of Jesus, “Be merciful, even as Your Father is merciful.” (Saint Luke 6:36) Let us draw close to the Merciful Jesus through Our Mother of Mercy!

Monsignor Charles M. Mangan
Missionary of Mercy commissioned by Pope Francis on Ash Wednesday of 2016

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