O Mother, Make Us Your Witnesses to Our Risen Lord Jesus Christ: First Saturday, Saint Norbert, June 6, 2020


Many of us have been asked to be sponsors for a baby to be baptized and/or for a candidate for  the Sacrament of Confirmation.

Here are the requirements that demonstrate that one is a "practicing Catholic":

1. Attendance at Mass each Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation and belief in and adherence to what the Catholic Church teaches;

2. Confession, at least once a year during the Easter Season, and reception of Holy Communion;

3. If married, a marriage recognized in the Catholic Church; if one is not married, he or she must not be cohabitating;

4. At least 16 years old (the Diocesan Bishop may establish another age);

5. One has received the Sacrament of Confirmation.

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