Attend Holy Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation, even daily if
Prepare well for every Mass by: abstaining from food and drink (medicine and
water may be taken) for at least one hour before receiving Holy Communion;
going to Confession to a priest and stating any and all mortal sins that you
have not confessed before (a mortal sin is a thought, word, desire or action
that concerns grave matter carried out with sufficient reflection and full
consent of the will); praying before Holy Mass and performing acts of charity
and self-denial. Furthermore, only those persons who are practicing Catholics,
who believe as the Church does regarding the Most Holy Eucharist and whose
marriages are recognized as valid by the Holy Catholic Church may receive Holy
Genuflect when entering and leaving the Church and whenever passing before the
Tabernacle or the Altar on which the Body and Blood of Christ rest. Dress
modestly—avoiding revealing and sloppy clothes—and do not chew gum. Speak
accurately about the Most Holy Eucharist, never referring to It as “bread and
wine.” And if you assist with the sacred music in your parish, do all you can
to ensure that the texts reflect the truth about the Real Presence.
Refrain from useless chattering before the Tabernacle before, during and after
the Holy Mass in order to adore Him and to concentrate attention on the Risen
Lord Jesus Christ. Talking unnecessarily in the holy presence of the Most
Blessed Sacrament destroys a golden occasion to learn at the Feet of the
Receive Holy Communion with joy and fervor. We receive Jesus on our tongues or,
in a country where it is permitted by the Episcopal Conference, in our hands (a
profound bow before receiving Holy Communion is very appropriate). When we
receive Jesus on our tongues, we simply say “Amen” and permit the priest, deacon
or installed acolyte to place Christ there. If we receive in the hand, then we
make a throne for the Lord, placing our “stronger” hand on the bottom and our
“weaker” hand on top. Proclaiming “Amen,” we receive the Host (rather than
lunging for It), take a step to the side, stop and place the Host in our mouth
using the stronger hand underneath. We must never receive the Sacred Host “on
the run.” Parents who carry children and who cannot extend both hands receive
the Sacred Host on the tongue.
Pass time with the Eucharistic Jesus outside of the Holy Mass. The Most Holy
Eucharist is always to be adored—before, during and after the Mass, whether
exposed in the Monstrance or reposed in the Tabernacle.
Make frequent Spiritual Communions in which we invite the Lord into our souls
in a similar manner as when we sacramentally receive Holy Communion. These may
be made anytime and anywhere.
Cultivate a special relationship with Mary, the Woman of the Eucharist. Pray
her Most Holy Rosary. Wear her Brown Scapular and her Miraculous Medal. Ask her
for the virtue of chastity for yourself and in all your dealings with your
neighbors. Purity is vital. If you fall grievously, go to Confession before
receiving Holy Communion.
Develop a friendship with the Saints who are remembered for their incredible
love for the Holy Eucharist. To become aware of their affection for Holy
Communion stimulates our capacity to develop in love for and adoration of Our
Eucharistic Jesus.
Request the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass to be offered for the living and the
dead. There is no gift more beautiful and effective than the Holy Mass.
“O Sacrament Most
Holy, O Sacrament Divine,
All Praise and All
Thanksgiving Be Every Moment Thine.”
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