O Mother, Help Us to Share Our Master's Joy!: Our Blessed Lady, Saturday, November 14, 2020


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ

“‘Come, share your master’s joy.’” 

Imagine hearing Jesus say those words to you. Is that possible? Yes! Christ wants us to be in Heaven more than we ourselves desire this Gift. By receiving the Church’s Sacraments worthily and often, we proceed along the path to Paradise. V. O Ever-Virgin Mary, Queen of Heaven and earth. R. Pray for us.


*Let us pray for +Monsignor James Reinert, +Clarence Hite, +Allen Gates, +Dayvon Bennett, +Steve Adubato, + Anne Barbeau Gardiner, +Marilyn Carrels, +Charles Moffenbier, Judy Waldera, Donna Squires, Teresa Louise, Kathy Engerbrecht, Ione Allerdings, Jamie Smith, Jane Lynch, Heather Marie, Sue Bullard, Deacon Jerry Wathen, Father Dana Christensen, Father Charles Duman and Father Richard Fox.


*Congratulations to Chloe Jean, the daughter of Chris and Emily Ruden, who was baptized into Christ last Sunday.


*Many thanks to all those who have submitted the names of their loved ones to be   remembered during the Month of November. Please be assured that these Souls will be prayed for and sacrificed for during these thirty days.


*Please call Monsignor Mangan (605 521-0175) if you need any special assistance during this period of COVID-19.


*We continue to pray for all those who serve and who served in the military.


“What is Your Question?”

By Father Ben Miriam


Q. What is the Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Temple?

A. This ancient Feast, according to the Reverend Father Frederick George Holweck (+1927), refers to the tradition “that Mary, at the age of three, was brought by her parents to the Temple, in fulfillment of a vow, there to be educated.” Our Blessed Lady was presented to God in this way, thereby preparing her for her later duties as the Mother of God and the Virgin-Spouse to the chaste Saint Joseph. The Feast is celebrated annually on November 21st.





Tuesday, November 17th

Saint Stephen Church


6:15 p.m. Confessions

7:00 p.m. Mass in Thanksgiving for the Harvest


Wednesday, November 18th


5:45-6:15 p.m. Confessions, Saint Mary of Mercy

The Recitation of the Most Holy Rosary at 6:30 p.m., Saint Mary of Mercy Church



Sunday, November 22nd:


9:00 a.m. Confessions, Alexandria


3:15 p.m.--Monastery, as usual 



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