O Mary, Please Sustain Us During this Advent: Thanksgiving Day, November 26, 2020



First Sunday of Advent, November 29th. “Come, Lord JESUS. Do not delay. Free Your People from their sins.” Advent is a once-in-a-year experience. We meditate on life without JESUS, which was true before He came more than 2,000 years ago. What utter emptiness and despair. But now, Christ is with us! We ask God Our Father to make us more thankful for His Son, JESUS. [Pray one Hail, Mary for the Poor Souls in Purgatory.]


Feast of Saint Andrew, Apostle, Monday, November 30th. Saint Andrew, according to tradition, was crucified on a X cross rather than a + cross. Andrew means “manhood” or “valor.” He was the brother of Saint Peter and worked as a fisherman. Saint Andrew is especially venerated in Greece, Russia and Scotland. [Call or write to someone who has COVID-19.]


Tuesday of the First Week of Advent, December 1st. The Most Holy Name of JESUS brings us peace, drives away demons and temptations and assures us of His love. In an age where blasphemy is rampant, be the solution to the problem. Always use God’s Holy Name as He desires. [Plan now to assist a poor person sometime during Advent.]


Wednesday of the First Week of Advent, December 2nd. During Advent, the Holy Trinity, the Holy Family and Saint John the Baptist rightly receive much attention. Each of us has a proper place in the Kingdom of God. What is yours? [Pray the Glory Be three times in adoration of the Most Blessed Trinity.]


Memorial of Saint Francis Xavier, Priest, Thursday, December 3rd. Father Antonio Astrain, S.J.:It is truly a matter of wonder that one man in the short space of ten years (6 May, 1542 - 2 December, 1552) could have visited so many countries, traversed so many seas, preached the Gospel to so many nations, and converted so many infidels.” [Pray the Our Father so that our priests may be courageous as was this Saint.]


Friday of the First Week of Advent (First Friday; Saint John Damascene), December 4th. “O Sacred Heart of JESUS, We implore, O make us love Thee more and more.” Devotion to the Most Sacred Heart of JESUS leads to increased love for the Most Blessed Sacrament. JESUS is present in that Sacrament of love. Come, let us adore Him. [Pray “Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us” thirty-three times.]


Saturday of the First Week of Advent (First Saturday), December 5th. “In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph.” These were Our Lady’s words at Fatima, Portugal. We have total confidence in her intercession, she who is the Mother of Our Lord and Our Mother, too. [Offer the Most Holy Rosary for your family, living and deceased.]


The Son and His Mother during Advent


The Church’s extraordinary wisdom is illustrated in numerous ways, one being the very existence of Advent. The Faithful are granted several weeks to make ready for the Solemnity of the Birth of Christ so that December 25th will not be just another day but rather a joyful, authentic commemoration of the first coming of Jesus over 2,000 years ago.

Mothers could tell us much about preparation. The period of pregnancy helps mothers—and fathers and siblings—to adjust for and anticipate the arrival of the newborn.

The Blessed Virgin Mary experienced the first Advent. She knew, thanks to the Archangel Gabriel, that the holy Child within her was “the Son of the Most High.” The long anticipation of the people of Israel rested with Mary.

 Our Lady’s pining for the Birth of the Savior is the pattern for us. We desperately need Jesus. He wants to be with us in our joys and sorrows. We commit ourselves to an Advent, in the spirit of Mary, filled with prayer, self-denial and service.

 Prayer. Advent calls forth our prayer by reminding us that Jesus, Who came to redeem us from Original Sin, desires that we pray because He knows how our relationship with Him, His Father and Their Holy Spirit needs to be nourished.

+Spend extra time in personal prayer; read Chapters 1 and 2 from the Holy Gospels according to Saints Matthew and Luke; pray Our Lady’s Most Holy Rosary; go to Confession; receive the Most Holy Eucharist often and worthily.

Self-denial. Any solid mortification that we practice is valuable to our souls. We are to be fortified in order to welcome Jesus again at Christmas. Self-denial effects our detachment from the things of the world.

+Deny yourself some legitimate pleasure; mortify your anger; stem your curiosity.

Service. The Birth of Jesus was about obeying His Father and serving us. Christ undertook His mission as the Suffering Servant Who selflessly laid down His life in adoration of His Father and in service of His brothers and sisters.

 +Visit an elderly person in a retirement home; extend kindness to a pregnant woman; offer some alms to a soup kitchen.

Mary did not merely wait for the Birth of Jesus. Instead, she actively prepared for His coming. The spiritual fruits we enjoy this Christmas will be in direct proportion to how we, endowed with divine grace, prepared this Advent to greet Jesus.

O Lady, Please Help Your Sons and Daughters: Saint Catherine of Alexandria, Wednesday, November 25, 2020



Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ

What I say to you, I say to all: ‘Watch!’” 

On this First Sunday of Advent, the theme of the End Times continues. Our Lord Jesus Christ is under no illusion, and neither should we be​, about the value of being prepared​. The time of the death of each of us and the time of Our Lord’s Second Coming are unknown. Therefore, “Watch!”

   *Let us pray for +​Janice Schoenfelder, ​Janette Quail, +Jerry Weber, Judy Waldera, Donna Squires, Dennis Maiers, Kathy Engerbrecht, Teresa Louise​,​ Mary Wilcox, Ione Allerdings, Jeff and Karla Ball, Jamie Smith, Mollie Grove, Joseph Grove, Jane Lynch, Heather Marie, Leona Cowles, Sue Bullard, Peter and Lydia Adcock, Deacon Jerry Wathen, Father David Janes, Father Dana Christensen, Father Andrew Thuringer, Father Charles Duman, Father Jordan Samson, Father William Osborn and Father Jerome Kopel.   

   *​Should masks be worn when attending Mass? The use of masks is highly recommended as a safety measure for oneself and for those nearby.​

   *​Please pray for our Discalced Carmelite Sisters who will elect their Prioress this Monday, November 30th—the Feast of Saint Andrew​.

   *​Let us take advantage of the incredible spiritual riches that the Church through our Parishes affords us this Advent!​

   *Thank you to all who worked at the Fatima Family Shrine last Saturday.


“What is Your Question?”

By Father Ben Miriam


Q. How ​might we think of Advent​?

A. The word Advent is from the Latin ad-venio, “to come to.” The Reverend Father Francis Mershman, O.S.B. (1852-1916) wrote: “ . . . Advent is a period beginning with the Sunday nearest to the feast of St. Andrew the Apostle (30 November) and embracing four Sundays. The first Sunday may be as early as 27 November, and then Advent has twenty-eight days, or as late as 3 December, giving the season only twenty-one days. With Advent the ecclesiastical year begins in the Western churches. During this time the faithful are admonished: to prepare themselves worthily to celebrate the​ ​​anniversary​ of the Lord’s coming into the world as the incarnate​ ​​God of love, thus to make their​ souls fitting abodes for the Redeemer coming in​ ​​Holy Communion and through​ ​​grace, and thereby to make themselves ready for His final coming as Judge, at death and at the end of the world.​”​


 Wednesday, ​December 2nd

The Recitation of the Most Holy Rosary at 6:30 p.m., Saint Mary of Mercy Church

Sunday, ​December  ​6​th

9:15 a.m. Confessions, ​Bridgewater​

3:15 p.m. Monastery, per usual 


O Mother, Please Present Me to Our Lord!: The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Temple, Saturday, November 21, 2020



Dear Friends in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary near Saint Joseph

“‘When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, He will sit upon His glorious throne, and all the nations will be assembled before Him.’”

Jesus Christ is Our Lord and King. He is a gentle, gracious, loving and merciful Sovereign. Yet, He commands us to love and to obey Him, knowing that this is what is best for us. May we resist Him no longer. Let us cry: “Come and reign over us, Christ Our King!” 

   *Let us pray for +Delbert Weber, +Tami Jill Zerr, Judy Waldera, Donna Squires, Dennis Maiers, Janice Schoenfelder, Kathy Engerbrecht, Teresa Louise, Ayden Hruby, Mary Wilcox, Ione Allerdings, Jeff and Karla Ball, Jamie Smith, Don and Pam Wenande, Jane Lynch, Heather Marie, Leona Cowles, Sue Bullard, Peter and Lydia Adcock, Deacon Jerry Wathen, Father Dana Christensen, Father Andrew Thuringer, Father Charles Duman, Father Jordan Samson, Father Richard Fox, Father Edward Pierce, Father William Osborn and Father Jerome Kopel.   

    *A blessed Feast today of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, and a Happy Thanksgiving Day this Thursday, November 26th. In addition to the usual 7:30 a.m. in the Chapel of the Carmelite Monastery on Thanksgiving Day, we will also have Mass at 10:00 a.m. in Saint Mary of Mercy Church. All are warmly invited to come to thank Our Lord!  

   *There will be no C.R.E. classes this Wednesday, November 25th.

    *Gratitude is expressed to so many who have recently given very generous financial gifts to our Parishes, including: Saint Martin Cemetery--Delores Leitheiser, Patrick Jung; The Fatima Family Shrine--Dan and Betty Soller.

  *Thank you to all who have painted the Rectory in Alexandria as well as all who have moved possessions out of and into the Rectory. May God reward you through Our Lady.


“What is Your Question?”

By Father Ben Miriam


Q. How is thankfulness or gratitude defined?

A. The Catholic Culture Website offers a helpful definition of thankfulness or gratitude. “The virtue by which a person acknowledges, interiorly and exteriorly, gifts received and seeks to make at least some return for the gift conferred. Essentially gratitude consists of an interior disposition, a grateful heart, but when genuine it tries somehow to express itself in words and deeds. Consequently it includes three elements: acknowledgment that a gift has been received, appreciation expressed in thankfulness, and as far as possible some return for what has been freely given with no obligation on the donor’s part.”



Sunday, November 22nd 

7:00 p.m. ZOOM meeting, Parents of the Second Grade C.R.E. Students

Wednesday, November 25th

6:00-6:30 p.m. Confessions, Saint Mary of Mercy

The Recitation of the Most Holy Rosary at 6:30 p.m., Saint Mary of Mercy Church


Thursday, November 26th

10:00 a.m. Thanksgiving Day Mass, Saint Mary of Mercy 


Sunday, November 29th:

9:00 a.m. Confessions, Alexandria

3:15 p.m.--Monastery, as usual 


O Woman of the Eucharist, Help Us to Love Our Eucharistic Lord: Sunday, November 15, 2020




1. Attend Holy Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation, even daily if possible.


2. Prepare well for every Mass by: abstaining from food and drink (medicine and water may be taken) for at least one hour before receiving Holy Communion; going to Confession to a priest and stating any and all mortal sins that you have not confessed before (a mortal sin is a thought, word, desire or action that concerns grave matter carried out with sufficient reflection and full consent of the will); praying before Holy Mass and performing acts of charity and self-denial. Furthermore, only those persons who are practicing Catholics, who believe as the Church does regarding the Most Holy Eucharist and whose marriages are recognized as valid by the Holy Catholic Church may receive Holy Communion.


3. Genuflect when entering and leaving the Church and whenever passing before the Tabernacle or the Altar on which the Body and Blood of Christ rest. Dress modestly—avoiding revealing and sloppy clothes—and do not chew gum. Speak accurately about the Most Holy Eucharist, never referring to It as “bread and wine.” And if you assist with the sacred music in your parish, do all you can to ensure that the texts reflect the truth about the Real Presence.


4. Refrain from useless chattering before the Tabernacle before, during and after the Holy Mass in order to adore Him and to concentrate attention on the Risen Lord Jesus Christ. Talking unnecessarily in the holy presence of the Most Blessed Sacrament destroys a golden occasion to learn at the Feet of the Master.


5. Receive Holy Communion with joy and fervor. We receive Jesus on our tongues or, in a country where it is permitted by the Episcopal Conference, in our hands (a profound bow before receiving Holy Communion is very appropriate). When we receive Jesus on our tongues, we simply say “Amen” and permit the priest, deacon or installed acolyte to place Christ there. If we receive in the hand, then we make a throne for the Lord, placing our “stronger” hand on the bottom and our “weaker” hand on top. Proclaiming “Amen,” we receive the Host (rather than lunging for It), take a step to the side, stop and place the Host in our mouth using the stronger hand underneath. We must never receive the Sacred Host “on the run.” Parents who carry children and who cannot extend both hands receive the Sacred Host on the tongue.


6. Pass time with the Eucharistic Jesus outside of the Holy Mass. The Most Holy Eucharist is always to be adored—before, during and after the Mass, whether exposed in the Monstrance or reposed in the Tabernacle.


7. Make frequent Spiritual Communions in which we invite the Lord into our souls in a similar manner as when we sacramentally receive Holy Communion. These may be made anytime and anywhere.


8. Cultivate a special relationship with Mary, the Woman of the Eucharist. Pray her Most Holy Rosary. Wear her Brown Scapular and her Miraculous Medal. Ask her for the virtue of chastity for yourself and in all your dealings with your neighbors. Purity is vital. If you fall grievously, go to Confession before receiving Holy Communion.


9. Develop a friendship with the Saints who are remembered for their incredible love for the Holy Eucharist. To become aware of their affection for Holy Communion stimulates our capacity to develop in love for and adoration of Our Eucharistic Jesus.


10. Request the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass to be offered for the living and the dead. There is no gift more beautiful and effective than the Holy Mass.


“O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine,

All Praise and All Thanksgiving Be Every Moment Thine.”

O Mother, Help Us to Share Our Master's Joy!: Our Blessed Lady, Saturday, November 14, 2020


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ

“‘Come, share your master’s joy.’” 

Imagine hearing Jesus say those words to you. Is that possible? Yes! Christ wants us to be in Heaven more than we ourselves desire this Gift. By receiving the Church’s Sacraments worthily and often, we proceed along the path to Paradise. V. O Ever-Virgin Mary, Queen of Heaven and earth. R. Pray for us.


*Let us pray for +Monsignor James Reinert, +Clarence Hite, +Allen Gates, +Dayvon Bennett, +Steve Adubato, + Anne Barbeau Gardiner, +Marilyn Carrels, +Charles Moffenbier, Judy Waldera, Donna Squires, Teresa Louise, Kathy Engerbrecht, Ione Allerdings, Jamie Smith, Jane Lynch, Heather Marie, Sue Bullard, Deacon Jerry Wathen, Father Dana Christensen, Father Charles Duman and Father Richard Fox.


*Congratulations to Chloe Jean, the daughter of Chris and Emily Ruden, who was baptized into Christ last Sunday.


*Many thanks to all those who have submitted the names of their loved ones to be   remembered during the Month of November. Please be assured that these Souls will be prayed for and sacrificed for during these thirty days.


*Please call Monsignor Mangan (605 521-0175) if you need any special assistance during this period of COVID-19.


*We continue to pray for all those who serve and who served in the military.


“What is Your Question?”

By Father Ben Miriam


Q. What is the Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Temple?

A. This ancient Feast, according to the Reverend Father Frederick George Holweck (+1927), refers to the tradition “that Mary, at the age of three, was brought by her parents to the Temple, in fulfillment of a vow, there to be educated.” Our Blessed Lady was presented to God in this way, thereby preparing her for her later duties as the Mother of God and the Virgin-Spouse to the chaste Saint Joseph. The Feast is celebrated annually on November 21st.





Tuesday, November 17th

Saint Stephen Church


6:15 p.m. Confessions

7:00 p.m. Mass in Thanksgiving for the Harvest


Wednesday, November 18th


5:45-6:15 p.m. Confessions, Saint Mary of Mercy

The Recitation of the Most Holy Rosary at 6:30 p.m., Saint Mary of Mercy Church



Sunday, November 22nd:


9:00 a.m. Confessions, Alexandria


3:15 p.m.--Monastery, as usual 



O Mother, Teach Me the Way to Heaven!: Sunday, November 8, 2020



As young children we learned that God freely created us for Himself and desires that we be genuinely happy here on earth and one day with Him in Paradise. This cherished truth, which is solidly based on Sacred Scripture and the Apostolic Tradition, can never change.

But as often as we have heard this doctrine of our Catholic Faith, we admit that we sometimes live as though going to Heaven is not really our primary concern. Other more “pressing” matters (even those that are important and must be addressed, like our families, relationships, school, work, etc.) cloud our vision.

“The Prayer of Heaven,” which enjoys an imprimatur, is a brief but powerful invocation that is truly a meditation in itself. 

My God, I adore You and I love You!


Through the hands of the Madonna, with Your grace and help I accept from You, O Lord, at the unexpected hour any kind of death as it will please You to send me, and I ask of You the grace not to have fear of death. Please forgive all of my sins.


I accept my death in union with the Sacrifice that You, O Jesus, High and Eternal Priest, Yourself made on the Cross and that now You renew on many Altars. I intend to offer to You my death in the spirit of the Holy Masses which at that moment will be celebrated, and I offer You Your infinite merits to pay for my sins and the penalty of Purgatory.


Saved by Your Blood, through Your merits and those of Your Mother I ask You the same mercy granted to the Good Thief, namely the grace to enter immediately with You into Paradise and to have immediately the perfect Beatific Vision of God. Amen.


I thank You, my Jesus! 

When we die, if we go to Purgatory, then we will be magnificently blessed insofar as we died in the State of Grace (that is, God’s Friendship) and have the opportunity to atone for our sins. Yet, our current, constant efforts should be geared towards attaining Christian Perfection. We wish to be admitted immediately into Heaven because the Most Blessed Trinity—our Living God—is present there in a most unique way. 

How we love and long for our beloved Lord! May we see Him face-to-face as soon as we have drawn our last breath. Our Lady and Saint Joseph, Patron of a Happy Death, pray for us!

Our Lady of Fatima, Pray for Us! First Saturday, November 7, 2020



Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, 

Therefore, stay awake, for you know neither the day nor the hour." 

Our Lord Jesus Christ emphasizes that our death and the Last Day will come at the appointed hour, not the hour of our choosing. By living lives grafted onto the Vine that is Christ, then we will be prepared for our passing. We ask Our Lady many times each day to pray for us "now and at the hour of our death. Amen." V. Saint Joseph, Patron of a Happy Death. R. Pray for us.

*Let us pray for +Sister Loretta, +Monsignor Mahowald, Judy Waldera, Donna Squires, Teresa Louise, Kathy Engerbrecht, Heather Marie, Sue Bullard, Father Dana Christensen, and Father Charles Duman.

*Thank you to Delores Leitheiser and her Family for the very beautiful Ciborium, crafted in Spain, that was given to Saint Martin of Tours Parish in memory of Harold. May his Soul rest in peace.

*Many thanks to all those who have submitted the names of their loved ones to be remembered during the Month of November. Please be assured that these Souls will be prayed for and sacrificed for during these thirty days.

*We pray for all who won and those who lost during the General Election. Let us not to forget to ask God to bestow His Grace upon our Country.


“What is Your Question?”

By Father Ben Miriam


Q. What is the Ostensorium?

A. Ostensorium means, in accordance with its etymology, a vessel designed for the more convenient exhibition of some object of piety. Both the name ostensorium and the kindred word monstrance (monstrancia, from monstrare) were originally applied to all kinds of vessels of goldsmith's or silversmith's work in which glass, crystal, etc. were so employed as to allow the contents to be readily distinguished, whether the object thus honored were the Sacred Host Itself or only the Relic of some Saint. Modern usage, at any rate so far as the English language is concerned, has limited both terms to vessels intended for the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, and it is in this sense only that we use ostensorium here. (From the late Father Thurston.)



Wednesday, November 11th

Feast of Saint Martin of Tours: Mass, 5:30 p.m., Emery

The Recitation of the Most Holy Rosary at 6:30 p.m., Saint Mary of Mercy Church



Sunday, November 15th:

9:15 a.m. Confessions, Emery


3:15 p.m.--Monastery, as usual