O Lady, Guide Us to Jesus, Who is the Truth: Monday of the Fifth Week of Lent, March 30, 2020


The Words of Jesus Himself

1. Praying daily.

2. Following God's Holy Will.

3. Avoiding those things that lead us to sin--persons, places, things and events.

4. Seeking to give a hand to the sick, the poor, the suffering, the troubled, the confused.

5. Loving Jesus Christ and His Holy Mother.


Reading the Holy Bible: ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten you. And then begin wherever you wish. Some like to start in Genesis, others desire to begin reading one of the Holy Gospels.


The Catechism of the Catholic Church is such a marvelous source for our understanding of our Holy Catholic Faith.


If we believe what the Catholic Church teaches, then we go to Confession and Holy Communion. If we do not believe what the Catholic Church teaches, then we wait to go to Confession and Holy Communion until we believe.

If we believe what the Catholic Church teaches but have committed a mortal sin, then we go to Confession and then later receive Holy Communion after going to Confession.

We must never receive Holy Communion with a mortal sin on our soul.

We also fast for one hour from food and drink (we may take medicine and water) before receiving Holy Communion.


We must live the Catholic Faith and then courageously explain it to us.

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