First Friday, February 6, 2015

J.M.J. Vocations to the Holy Priesthood of Jesus Christ (in fact, all vocations) is an intention firmly present in the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Which is especially honored today on this First Friday.

The brilliant Catholic essayist, Anthony M. Esolen, Ph.D.,  in a recent article, offers his ideas about how to attract vocations to the Priesthood. Here are just two short snippets from the piece by Professor Esolen of Providence College in Providence, Rhode Island.

"Do not reduce the Catholic faith to a political appendix. Preach Christ and Him crucified. Remember that human beings are unified only from above."

"You have to remember what boys are. If your worldly business depended for its survival upon attracting them, you would not be so foolish as to dismiss what your eyes tell you, not to mention the entire human race. You would say, 'Since this is the job to be done, these are some clear measures to take.' Take them. The Lord who chose twelve men to be His apostles, and knew how to do it, will bless you."

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Annually, I delight in today's Memorial of Saints Paul Miki and Companions, Martyrs. What a great excerpt about the murder of those heroic Japanese Martyrs from the Second Reading in the Office of Readings from The Liturgy of the Hours:

"Then, according to Japanese custom, the four executioners began to unsheathe their spears. At this dreadful sight, all the Christians cried out, 'Jesus, Mary!' And the storm of anguished weeping then rose to batter the very skies. The executioners killed them one by one. One thrust of the spear, then a second blow. It was over in a very short time."

Mary, Gate of Heaven, pray for us.

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