Dear Friends in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary near Saint Joseph,
"Again, the kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant searching for fine pearls. When he finds a pearl of great price, he goes and sells all that he has and buys it.”
What is my treasure? What are my priorities? Although you may have influence over me and my choices and I over you and yours, these two questions must be answered by each person. The Risen Lord summons us to put Him and His Commandments in the first place. Then, we will never go wrong. We will suffer persecution, but Paradise will not be long in coming.
+Please remember the Pure Immaculate Heart of Mary this First Saturday, August 1st. To make the Five First Saturdays as Our Lady requested at Fatima is a spiritual treat.
+Please dress in a dignified and modest manner for Mass and whenever we enter a Catholic Church because Jesus Christ is present in the Tabernacle.
+We have just completed Natural Family Awareness week. The marital embrace is meant for procreation and the sharing of love. Saint Paul VI (1963-1978) stated it so well in Humanae Vitae. We have copies of this prophetic encyclical and a commentary on it that are free for the asking.
+Thanks to all who make the grounds look so beautiful at the Monastery, the Fatima Family Shrine and our three Churches, Parish Halls and Rectories.
+Today, we pray for our Grandparents on the Feast of Saints Joachim and Ann, the Parents of the Ever-Virgin Mary.
"What is Your Question?"
by Father Ben Miriam
Q. I have a comment instead of a question. The most difficult challenge today among Catholics is rampant hypocrisy. Those who attend Mass are the biggest hypocrites. They give an hour to God on Sunday but do what they want the rest of the week.
A. Two thoughts. First, I am not sure that we can verify your claim that Catholics who attend Mass are the "biggest hypocrites." We would need to look into their souls to see whether they are insincere. This is not possible. Hypocrisy has a wide, deceitful sweep. As a matter of fact, many of us fall prey to it. If we are guilty of deliberately rejecting God "the rest of the week," then may we make amends to Him immediately. Second, perhaps this has always been a challenge and not just "today." Do our lives mirror the Sacred Mysteries that we celebrate at the Holy Altar on Sundays, Holy Days of Obligation and throughout the week? Rather than to stop attending Mass for fear of being hypocrites, we should receive the Sacraments, especially Confession and the Most Holy Eucharist, more frequently, not less. May Our Lady guide us.
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