The True Body Born of the Virgin: Sunday, August 16, 2015

J.M.J. After the reception of Holy Communion today during the Holy Mass celebrated in the Sioux Falls Arena by the His Excellency the Most Reverend Paul J. Swain, D.D., J.D., the Bishop of Sioux Falls, the Diocesan Choir sang the famous setting (K. 618) from Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart of the Ave Verum Corpus.

Is there any more moving music and text?

Ave verum Corpus, natum

de Maria Virgine,
vere passum, immolatum
in cruce pro homine
cuius Latus perforatum
fluxit Aqua et Sanguine:
esto nobis praegustatum
in mortis examine.

Hail, true Body, born
of the Virgin Mary,
Who having truly suffered, was sacrificed
on the cross for mankind,
Whose pierced Side
flowed with Water and Blood:
May It be for us a foretaste [of the Heavenly banquet]
in the trial of death.


Let us thank Our Lord Jesus Christ, the True Son of God and the True Son of Mary, for the Graces that He bestowed upon thousands of persons (and, by extension, billions of persons) who attended the "Legacy." May Bishop Swain, Mrs. Jan Feterl, Miss Katie O'Connor and the Diocesan Staff be rewarded abundantly.

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