Wednesday, November 12, 2014

J.M.J. Saint Josaphat (circa 1580-1623), whose Memorial is today, displayed great courage in the face of physical and moral danger. 

Fortitude is one of the Four Cardinal Virtues. It is also one of the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

In the very useful Dictionary of Moral Theology (Westminster, Maryland: The Newman Press, 1962), which was compiled by Francesco Cardinal Roberti, Dom Gregory Manise, O.S.B., describes fortitude as "a particular firmness of spirit which prompts us to be strong in the face of grave obstacles encountered by the fulfillment of one's duty, or the practice, even optional, of a virtue." (page 516)

May Saint Josaphat intercede for us, that we may obtain an increase in fortitude.

Saint Josaphat, pray for us!

And let us not forget to ask Our Lady to assist those who suffer hardship because of the cold, ice and snow.

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